Sunday, February 27, 2011


For a shy dog who is almost 7 years old, Chloe is pretty darn resilient. She attended her first agility trial this past weekend; lots of people, dogs and smells. She was nervous at first but she settled into her crate right away. She enjoyed coming out for walks and eventually started meeting people.

Initially, she was very nervous around new folks. Fortunately, at an agility trial, MOST people are pretty dog savvy. Most approached her sideways or turned around in front of her offering treats from their hands while they faced away.

After a few meetings with folks, she began taking treats from them! That's huge. When Chloe is stressed, she will NOT take treats--even from me.

She is really great meeting other dogs--large or small. Dogs don't seem to make her worry--just new people. I am so impressed with her willingness to trust. She is an amazing girl and I am so blessed to have her be part of my "family."

Early Sunday morning, we even got a photo shoot with Phyllis Ensley in. Chloe is such a sweet, pretty girl.

Here she is with her canine pack, Blaze, Rio and Cori

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chloe's Busy Social Calendar

Chloe didn't realize when she joined this family it would be go, go, go. Thursday, she helped co-host the women's club meeting/party in our neighborhood. Ok, well, she came down from the bedroom after about half the guests left. She's still not fond of crowds. She was worried and a little scared, but she did go up to a few ladies for a quick sniff.

Rio and Blaze are old hat at entertaining. This was Cori's "first" party and she was nervous at first, but after watching Rio and Blaze, she began making her rounds to attend to all the guests. It will take Chloe more time, but that's fine. Every new postive thing is a setp in the right direction.

Then today, she had a spa day appointment along with Cori and Blaze at the SEGA kennels. She wasn't too thrilled to get in the grooming tub, but she did it. She did fine with the bath itself and she was lovingly dried off. Then all 3 pups went home and watched while Rio got her own spa day at home. All four pups retired for a nap and been relaxing all day in between romps in the yard on this beautiful preview of spring day!

Special thanks to Miss Ginny and Miss Tara and the Dirty Dog Deputies (Heather and Rhonda)!