Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Chloe is "in the House"

Chloe went into foster today. She eagerly jumped into the front seat of my truck while I was loading her stuff. She was obviously ready to leave the kennel. I easily coaxed her into the backseat and off we went. She laid down and relaxed while the truck was moving. Anytime we stopped, she jumped up as if to say, "Are we there yet?"

Once home, she met her foster sisters (Rio and Cori) and brother (Blaze). She also met PJ (cat) and Reggie (most likely the first parrot she's ever met). She was a little nervous but didn't seem overly stressed. She found a dog bed she liked and settled in for a nap.

After her nap, we told her she's been enrolled in the "Life is Great" program. Once she's settled in, she's going to go to lots of places, do lots of things and meet lots of people. Her foster siblings, Rio and Blaze, told her they have graduated from the program ages ago and Cori graduates very soon. All three have said they'll be happy to tutor her.

We all told her to rest up over the next couple of weeks so she'll be ready to start the program.

Watch her blog to read about her experiences and see her progress. Today is the first day of the rest her life and it promises to be grand!


Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

It will be good to see her get out and socialize a bit. Hopefully you'll be able to improve her shyness.