Saturday, January 22, 2011

Chloe's Latest Outing

Today, Chloe went to watch some of SEGC's Old Mill Stakes (lure coursing) at the Old Mill Farm in Cartersville. She brought Rio along for company and confidence. She LOVES going for a ride so our drive to the Old Mill Farm was a nice, pleasant ride. She got out of my truck no problem. Once out of the truck she became a little nervous.

We had arrived during the break for lunch. Pretty much everyone there knew her story so everyone approached her calmly and from their side, not making eye contact. She sniffed a few folks as long as they ignored her. She would not take treats though, even from me. Although she was nervous, she was not panicked, nor did she try to bolt. She was fine greeting other dogs, so no worries there.

We just walked around calmly and slowly so she could investigate the area. Rio greeted everyone she came in contact with, human or canine, which was great for Chloe to see.

Then lure coursing started back up after lunch. Someone obviously changed dogs on me. Chloe was a totally different dog once the the lure started moving. And oh my heavens if dogs were chasing it, you would have sworn this girl was a lure coursing champ. She tried very hard to go join the dogs running after the lure.

Her ears were up. Her eyes were focused and she even did some happy squealing. She even let people come up and pet her. SEGA's Toni Kane sat on the ground and petted Chloe. Chloe did pretty well with that and one point almost stepped on Toni so she could get a better look at the lure. She would even watch the golf cart going around to restring the line when necessary. After all, sometimes the golf cart had the lure and she just didn't want to miss a minute of it.

The whole fun adventure was confirmation of what I already suspected. Chloe will adjust just fine to a new life full of activities, travel, people and dogs. I could not be happier because I am considering today Chloe's "Gotcha Day." Yes, I am so smitten with this little girl that I am adopting her myself. My dogs and I are thrilled to welcome her to our little family.

Let the fun begin. Hang on Chloe, you're in for the time of your life.


Anonymous said...

Chloe did very well on Saturday and we are so excited that Kathy is adopting her. Chloe will continue to gain confidence with Kathy's pack and an active lifestyle.


Lisa S.